Sunday, January 1, 2012

My 2012 New Year's Resolutions

I'll be honest...I'm tired.  I've spent the last four hours de-cluttering my workspace in preparation for the beginning of Winter Quarter.  So here is a very rough list of my resolutions goals for this year.  To be edited later.  
  • Start a blog
  • Start a YouTube channel
  • Do the Tone It Up fitness challenge
  • Get back on the 17 Day Diet
  • Write a weekly cleaning routine and create a Household Notebook
  • Do the FLYlady challenge
  • Start couponing/stockpiling again
  • Try consistent meal planning
  • Try consistent freezer cooking
I hope everyone has had a great start to the New Year.  I hear tomorrow is when everyone goes back to work.  Three-day-weekend over.  It will be interesting to see what happens with the 520 bridge tomorrow.  I understand why they added a toll, but I also don't understand.  I also know that I won't be using that bridge anymore.  I'll drive all the way around or all the way to I-90 thankyouverymuch.

Quick story about today (well technically yesterday since it is 2:30 in the morning):  It was mostly an uneventful day.  I spent most of it doing chores, checking items off my to-do list, and dreaming about my goals for the year (and also making them happen).  We did however manage to make it to the park for an hour or so--even though it was cold and windy.  Rhoslyn's first request when she woke up was "Momma can we go to the slides?"  I couldn't turn the girl down, I had already pushed back "the slides" one day...and so we went.  It was so cold!  Brrr.  I'm shivering in my chair just thinking about it, but the girls loved it.  Camilla had never been down the tall, dark tunnel slide before.  Being the champion mommy that I am, I went down with her the first time so that she wouldn't be afraid...and that was all it took.  She ran back around, climbed the big toy right quick, stuck her feet in the slide, and away she went.  Funniest part of my day: when she arrived at the bottom of the slide (where I was waiting) she was no longer feet-first, but head-first and face-up.  The look of shock on her face was hysterical.  She didn't know whether to cry or to laugh.  I broke the ice with a laugh, she joined me.  It was a moment.

Hope this post was at least somewhat coherent.  Gonna go catch me some Zzz now.  Goodnight all!


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